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Howlite Crystal Beaded Braclete

Howlite Crystal Beaded Braclete

Regular price $20.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 CAD
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This calming stone is always ready to help cool down fiery tempers, slow down heartbeats and help us lead with wisdom.  Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates the desire for knowledge.  It teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain, and stress.  A calming stone, Howlite calms communication, facilitates awareness, and encourages emotional expression.

Howlite is a stone of emotional healing that contains vibrations directly resonating with one’s root and crown chakras. This is a unique combination, with Howlite opening up portals of entry on opposite points of the etheric body. Your root chakra becomes fully connected to Mother Earth and all the energy she provides while staying in direct contact with your higher self. These connections happening at the same time are extremely rare, thus exposing the power Howlite harness within. This energy is very potent and becomes imbued within the user upon the first touch. One will initially notice a sense of calm energy overcoming them, easing that unnecessary “weight” off your shoulders and allowing you to stand tall. Not only do your confidence levels begin to rise, but also your inner strength begins to awaken once more. Howlite reminds us of the power we hold and urges one to use, channel, and harness this energy towards individual self-healing. This stone is here to nurture and enlighten one's heavenly body, while showing you the capabilities your soul can offer this planet.

Chakra: All
Zodiac: Gemini & Virgo
Element: Air

Vegan, Cruelty-Free & Eco

We feel that everything has an energy frequency,  so we use cruelty-free, vegan, fair trade, and organic ingredients to create our products.  We also use Reiki, Sage and Palo Santo before, during, and after creating our products.
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